Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Myspace Experience


1.) Did you ever have a Myspace page? Yes.

2.) What year did you first join Myspace? 2007.

3.) Did you have a lot of friends on Myspace? Yes. (I had like 700-800 plus friends on my friends list on the old Myspace).

4.) What was your experience like on Myspace when you had it? It was a rocky experience.

5.) You mentioned that you had a rocky experience on Myspace please explain.  I had approximately 250 married men & women combined who were more like single married people giving advice to single people and it was very uncomfortable for me. These married men & women were on a social networking website like Myspace without their spouse's. The ones' that were on there with their spouses' all had separate accounts from their spouses. I felt like I was caught in the crossfire with married women who were trying to use me to get back at their husbands or to help them in their marriage to their husbands. After 3 plus years of going through that experience I deleted the married men & married women off of my friends list because they were a hindrance to me meeting my spouse. Most of the married men & women were telling me things I wanted to hear but none of them was trying to help me meet my spouse. I thought social networking websites are for single people to get to know each other & be friends on social networking. Not single married people trying to influence single people & trying to be a hindrance to them.

6.) Do you think that married people on social networking are turnoffs to single people going on social networking? I think it all depends on the married people who are on social networking & the single person if they feel that he or she feel is being hindered to meet fellow single people like themselves. I endured Myspace for 5 years (2007-2012) and the reason I was on all of those years because of a single woman who I met on there in 2009. Me & the single woman became friends that year. Me & her could relate because we both made mistakes that we regret in relationships that we were in (her with her ex-fiance/ex- boyfriend & me with my ex-fiancee/ex-girlfriend). I tried all I can to be an encouragement to her the time that I was on Myspace. Once I was able to talk to someone who was single like me I felt better meeting a single woman who could be my wife.

7.) If you had Myspace all over again would you do anything different than when you first joined Myspace? In a way I did do things different from when I first had the original Myspace. I got the google plus version of Myspace in 2013 and only added single people and music artists to my circle.

8.) Let's just say that Myspace somehow went back to the old Myspace format when Tom was the owner how would you change your profile?  http://paulbrightly7.blogspot.com/2015/09/more-about-paul.html

9.) How did you first hear about Myspace? A girl I met on American Idol Message boards back in 2007 told me about Myspace.

10.) What did you like about Myspace? I enjoyed sharing encouraging words & videos on Myspace.

11.) What didn't you like about Myspace? The spamming which I was guilty of doing myself.

12.) What did you learn from being on Myspace that you brought to all of the other social networking websites? 3 years of experience being on message boards (2004-2007) & 9 years of experience being on social networking (2007-Present). I've been writing online for 5 years now with my 2 websites wix & blogger. I have a lot to share and I've learned from both the good experiences & not so good experiences on social networking.

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